Typos, spelling mistakes and other content errors can quickly damage your credibility with customers, clients, investors and steadily erode your position in the search engine rankings.

Most readers will let one or two spell checks and typos go but if they notice more, then the credibility of the site and its owners is on the line.

You simply cannot allow typos and spelling mistakes to go unchecked.

Your visitors will ask themselves this question: If they can’t look after their own business, how can I expect them to look after mine?

Furthermore, the search engines reward excellence and punish sites haven’t paid sufficient attention  to detail.

Each mistake by itself is trivial but taken together can harm the authority of your Internet presence.

As well as detecting spelling errors and typos, a Solvlex report contains the following data about your web pages:

  • Noun, Adjective, Verb and Adverb analysis
  • Sentiment Positivity Score
  • Reading Ease and Time
  • Internal and External Link Count
  • Total Words Scanned
  • HTML Errors
  • Grammatical Issues

.. and more. See Here for a Sample Report